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2019-10-16 00:38:27
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CTG to improve the gingival biotype and papilla reconstitution

female patient 26years old,come in consultation because she was disturbed by the we triangles blacks,we diagnosis also the cl III miller to 32,31,41 with loss of papilla between 31.41,we decided making CTG with coronally flap,after surgery we started ortho treatment to help the papilla reconstituion an dclosed the blacks traingles 

Dr. el ouchdi
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Comentarios (2)
el ouchdi, fethallah
17-02-2018 21:49
sorry,it's old first case of CTG not taken more pictures unfortunately
Fernández, Juan Alberto
17-02-2018 20:53
Perio and ortho treatment an excellence synergy. Do you have more photos of the connective tissue graft technique?

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