Dr. Armando Lopes graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon in 2003 and joined the MALO CLINIC team in 2004.
Currently Medical Director of MALO CLINIC Lisbon and the MALO CLINIC Group, he was Oral Surgery Department Director between 2007 and mid-2015, and Director of the Imaging Department between 2007 and early 2011.
Practicing exclusively in oral surgery and dental implant rehabilitation, Dr. Armando Lopes has an extensive know-how on total rehabilitation using the MALO CLINIC protocol, the All-on-4® surgical protocol, including the zygomatic approaches, and is also an expert in Digital surgery.
One of MALO CLINIC key speakers, Armando Lopes lectures regularly at international courses, conferences and other training events featuring oral rehabilitation, implantology and Digital surgery. Dr. Lopes earned a Master of Science degree in Clinical Dental Research in 2013 and a PhD in 2019 both from the University of Granada (Spain).
He is author and coauthor of several scientific publications.
Healthy female patient, 50 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitationPatient first came to us in 2017, having lost her front teeth at the age of 12. Couldn’t use her removable prothesis which caused severe self-esteem issues. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis. All-on-4 surgery was performed in June 2017.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
Maxillary Rehabilitation with Zygomatic Implants in an Edentulous PatientHealthy female patient, 76 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Edentulous patient, for many years; Couldn’t use her removable prothesis; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption on both quadrants, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
Atrophied maxilla: rehabilitation with computerized tomography and implants SECOND PARTHealthy female patient, 37 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Patient with very few remaining teeth, severely compromised; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
Atrophied maxilla: rehabilitation with computerized tomography and implantsHealthy female patient, 37 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Patient with very few remaining teeth, severely compromised; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
All on Four superior by Malo EducationCirugía para rehabilitación inmediata sobre 4 implantes en maxilar superiorPresentado porDr.Armando Lopes
All on 4 superior con carga inmediata de prótesis fijaHealthy female patient, 40 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. First came to us in 2011, when she was diagnosed with severe periodontitis; decided not to pursue treatment with us at the time. Returned to our practice in 2020, having lost the compromised teeth. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
All on Four superior by Clinica MaloHealthy female patient, 43 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Diagnosed with periodontitis, the remaining teeth presented severe compromise, with infections and mobility. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado porDr. Armando Lopes
History of drug addiction that led her to loss of teethHealthy female patient, 46 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis; placement of two zygomatic implants due to severe bone resorption on the 1st and 2nd quadrants.Presentado porMalo Clinic